Kalibro Заявки

by БиномТех



Kalibro is a cloud-based solution that allows you to replace the filling out of paper orders for field employees with data entry via a mobile application.The service is intended for visiting teams that receive tasks in real time with the necessary forms to fill out from the operator. All forms are displayed on the mobile device and the results entered into them are transmitted to the operator’s server.How it works?1. The operator in the personal account on the site calibro.rf creates the form necessary to fill out.2. Adds field staff.3. Creates a task - the system itself will notify field employees of a new application and the need to fill out a form.4. A field employee fills out an order form in a mobile application.The system allows not only to automate the filling of forms and reporting, but also to track the stages of a particular task and view statistics on the requests of each employee.The service has a demo mode that can be used in your personal account and on your mobile device.